
Showing posts from July, 2021

Is the answer 42?

Is the answer 42? awesome 126 Likes 8 Comments John Theos Cathi Collins Mikutis Neither, because you have a frying pan and some 12 year old just shot you in the back. Brittany Lea Raley Akm will win since m16 nerfed heavily Clara Jo Did he mentioned anything about compensator Jamie Tracy ...

History Events on July 30

Events History Events on July 30 By  Juanita Walton-Spears  30 Jul   98 Views History Events on July 30 One hundred and fifty people are trapped after a landslide in Maharashtra, India; 20 are killed. #2014_Malin_landslide In 2014 Japan's Emperor Meiji dies and is succeeded by his son Yoshihito, who is now known as the Emperor Taish?. #Emperor_Meiji In 1912 Founding of Ba...